Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Caroline, and I want to be a writer when I grow up.

I never know how to start these things.

You know about the power of the first impression. That's why this post is so important. This is my big chance to introduce myself to the blog audience, and I'm feeling a little shy. 

So picture me taking a big breath — and here I go.

My name is Caroline. I'm in my twenties. I'm a little naive, a little wild, a little precocious, a little irreverent. 

I'm not a domesticated animal. 

I love travel, good food, different cultures, languages ... and above all, good books. That's why I want to write. I want to inspire other people like I've been inspired. But I'm not a good writer yet. I mean, I'm not bad or anything. I'm pretty sure you can understand me just fine, and my punctuation is all in order.

But to be a good writer — a really, really good writer — I think you need to be wise. And wisdom comes from experience, right? All of the best writers are able to understand and communicate about life itself. They're not just talented comma-movers (although ... a good comma here and there can really help). 

So this blog will be my practice: to write, to have adventures, to live.  

And I can't wait. 

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