Sunday, November 3, 2013

Worth the Trip: Marathons to Travel For

Knowing my destination has something like a beach or a great trail to hike, etc. is a motivating factor in my travel decisions; I love spending time outside. In fact, I really like to feel exhausted by the end of a vacation day (so I can snuggle up in my nice hotel bed and get some shut-eye). I would buy a plane ticket or drive 12 hours to take a spectacular zip line tour or swim with dolphins. 

Some would do it for a marathon. I'm not a competitive runner, so I won't be hopping on a plane to Boston for a run any time soon, but I can understand those who do.  Brought to you by the Huffington Post, this article highlights 9 marathons well worth the price of a trip. Some are iconic (like the Boston Marathon) and others feature runs filled with spectacular natural beauty (like the one in Hawaii).

Even though I don't (yet!) have plans to try it myself, it seems like running would be a novel way to see some sights in these cool destinations! What do you think? Would you travel to run? Have you driven cross-country for a marathon? What was it like?

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