Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We interrupt your regularly scheduled life for...

The fact that I can't even finish this entry is a BIG GIANT metaphor for the fact that I'm stuck, that I'm having a hard time moving past this year. Something broke after I was done covering West, and I don't know where I want to go from here. It was the capstone event in a terrible year, and now I'm paralyzed by indecision. 

I thought writing about my experiences would help me work through it — and it is — although the process isn't taking the nice, neat span of one week that I had wanted it to. I seem to have lost my ability to compartmentalize and go ont. My blog won't progress until I get it done... And I don't seem to be going anywhere, either.  

My point is this: I'm not quite sure where I'm going, but I'll get there. 

Bear with me.

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