Monday, September 16, 2013

Romantic Spots in Waco, Texas

I took this picture all by myself (with the now-broken Nikon) after a one-month long intensive photography course taught by one of the most brilliant people I've ever met. Isn't that sunset spectacular? As a date destination, I recommend a walk on the Suspension Bridge, where you can look out over the water. Assuming the weather's nice, it's bound to impress.  

Waco is for lovers.

No, really — there's serious romantic potential here that goes overlooked by the student population because Waco is not exactly a tourist location.

Just look at that bridge.  That's the Waco Suspension Bridge, which spans the Brazos River. According to the Texas Historical Society, "at the time that it was built it was one of the longest single-span suspension bridges in the world" and built by the same company that went on to build the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. If your date is interested in architecture, the history will sufficiently impress them. Apparently, the bridge also formed a part of the Chisholm Trail. 

I have seen some spectacular sunsets from that bridge. That, and the Riverwalk downtown are quite romantic, although I do recommend being careful there after dark. In my opinion, high summer is the best time to go because of the late sunset, giving you more time to roam, and then, end your adventure looking at the sunset. It's cheap and bound to impress — two qualities necessary for dates in college. I'm looking at you, Baylor boys. Just because you're in college, stuck in a college town, is no reason not to impress your sweetheart!

I didn't take these pictures on a date, which I realize is a little hypocritical. But I did have my first date with Willie's Dad here, and it was one of the most romantic evenings I've had to date. I don't believe in taking the Nikon on dates. It's a little intimidating. 

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