Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can-do attitude

Willie biting one of the trainers at Sit Means Sit in Belton, TX
You've got to say yes to things and then have an open mind about them. I never go into anything assuming I'm going to have an awful time.  

So, a few years ago, when Willie's Dad suggested we try personal protection classes with our dog (just for jollies), I said okay. I have always had and loved big dogs — and I wasn't afraid of playing rough either — but I was a bit worried that being encouraged to bite would tip her temperament toward the aggressive side.  

Willie was used for explosives detection by Blackwater, so we knew she had some training, but we hadn't realized the extent of her training stretched to this until we took her to a class and watched her go.

She enjoyed it. So did I. I even let one of those big old dogs bite me a few times (but I wouldn't let anyone take a picture of me in the marshmallow sleeve). 

NoMan was our friend Carl's dog, and he doesn't look like it here, but he was a sweetie. 
It just goes to show that you never know what you might end up doing (and enjoying) with the right attitude. 

P.S. - Fun fact: Malinois bite with something around 200 pounds of force per square inch (psi).  

P.P.S. - Some people have messaged me to ask if Willie's Dad is still in the picture. No, he's not. 

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