Monday, April 7, 2014

The South Texas State Fair in Pictures

Whenever the fair is in town, I'm reminded of Fern at the fair in E.B. White's Charlotte's Web. Did you know that E.B. White is the "White" in the Strunk and White of the Elements of Style? I didn't until my freshman year in college. Both Elements and Charlottle's Web are favorite books of mine. 

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. 

I present: the South Texas State Fair. 

I didn't feel the need to get on this. 

You've seen this before. 

When I was taking this picture, a guy stopped me, gestured to the kids riding, and asked "Which one's yours?"
I took more pictures of the rides than anything, because they were striking and had lots of lights and it was evening and a good exposure was getting hard. The best part is the food, though, of course. Check out my Instagram (@carriebrewton31) for some pictures of what I ate! 

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