Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Things You'll See Driving Through Texas

Last weekend I jumped in the car with a few friends to travel to Waco to take another friend's senior pictures. She's about to graduate from Baylor with a degree in a subject that would have positively broken my brain. I can't ... science. Is that even a verb?

Anyway, on the way home, we had a blowout, which seemed like a crisis at first. We were on a highway in the middle of nowhere, Texas, after all.  I snapped these shots as our tire was being changed. These are some of the things you'll see driving through Texas. 

It just goes to show that sometimes, beautiful things come from unfortunate situations. 

Incredible sunsets.

Lots of cows.

Wildflowers like these bluebonnets grow in small oceans in the strips of land between paved roads and pastures. 

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