Friday, August 1, 2014

FoodTour 2014: Three Days in San Antonio

Last weekend I spent three days in San Antonio, Texas checking out noteworthy restaurants and taking in the sights.

But mainly checking out noteworthy restaurants.

(Such a sacrifice. I work so hard for YOU, readers.) 

Wearing one of the ubiquitous flower crowns for sale in San Antonio... I associate them with the city. They're made of crepe paper and trailing ribbons and will definitely delight a kid in your life. Or me. Because I'm a five-year-old trapped in a 22-year-old body. 
Check out upcoming posts with "Foodtour 2014" in the title to see the latest on the restaurants I visited and the sights I saw! 

To preview Foodtour 2014, check out my instagram: @carriebrewton31!

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