Monday, December 30, 2013

A Very Adventurous Christmas

Christmas came and went in a rush for Willie and I this year, mostly because my graduation was only four days prior. It didn't leave us much time to buy presents or do anything, really. Instead, I've promised friends and family presents from my upcoming trip to Mexico in lieu of packages on Christmas day. I figured I could get them trinkets in the U.S. anytime, but this was a unique opportunity. 

On the other hand, Santa was generous to me. I got lots of gifts, including some things I'm going to take on the aforementioned trip. On my list were items like hiking boots, new aviator sunglasses, big floppy sun hats, a fleece jacket, unlined Moleskin notebooks (my favorite) and the big-ticket item: a Nikon D7000, a top of the line pro-sumer model to replace my ailing D3000. 

My poor mother must have been the only woman buying resort wear in December. She's too good to me. Willie also racked up, attaining a host of new toys and chewies and access to her cousin Eliza's toys, which she promply destroyed. She is quite content.

Obviously, Christmas isn't about the things, but the experiences — but I'm a list-maker at heart, and it's easiest for me to start off with an inventory. The items I've mentioned were all picked because they travel well and were things I knew I needed going forward. To Mexico and beyond.  

In other news, this year marked Willie's and my last Christmas on 8th Street, our much-beloved first apartment. I put up our little Charlie Brown tree and wrapped the few presents we managed to get before time (and the slender college budget) ran out. The Nutcracker went upon my mantel. The Dreidel took its place of honor on the bookshelf. I believe in multicultural holidays. We made hot chocolate and coffee and celebrated with friends. 

All in all, it was a most excellent Christmas. I hope your holiday season was the same.  

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