Monday, December 30, 2013

Embarrassing photos of Caroline in New York

We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast for...

I know I owe you an update on more recent events, but I didn't have access to these pictures to post them during New York Week. Forgive me. Instead, enjoy my newest photo essay, "Embarrassing photos of Caroline in New York." Photography by Matt Hellman. 

My friend Matt, who is a phenomenally talented photographer, sometimes decides to use his powers for evil. He likes to take embarrassing photos of his friends and then use them at his discretion.  Here, I'm mid-bite into a cannoli at a bakery a few blocks from our hotel in Times Square.  
This is a rock in Central Park. Those aren't real shoes. I call them "Fix-a-flats." They're disposable flats that come in little pouches you stick in your purse. I had been wearing heels all day to our conference and my feet hurt. That might explain the pained expression on my face as I gaze into the New York Smog.   

No, my face doesn't actually look like that.
Still in Central Park. That's Taylor. She's awesome. We were New York buddies. My face... does kind actually look like that, yeah. 

We finally bullied Matt into being IN a picture! Yay!


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