Sunday, July 6, 2014

Caroline the Adventurer goes to EUROPE!

Map courtesy of Google Maps. 
Remember my friend Shannon?

We went to Mexico together. We met my freshman year in college and have pretty much been inseparable since then. 

Now we're going to Europe together.

That's right.


Let that sink in for just a minute.

Next May, Shannon and I will hop on an excruciatingly long flight that will take us all the way to Copenhagen. We'll tour Norway, Denmark and Sweden in two weeks, spending seven days in Norway and splitting the rest of our time between Denmark and Sweden. We're gonna hike us some fjords. Doesn't that sound exotic? Fjords. Fjords, fjords, fjords.

We got our tickets today.

Apart from my excitement about just going — travel makes my soul happy — this trip gives me a sense of purpose. I've admitted to being a little confused right now in terms of my career and I don't have any good news on that front just yet. I'm still working outside my field by choice. In a doctor's office, no less. It's not a very exciting or glamorous job, but it does give me the luxury of time to figure things out. 

This trip tells me that despite that, I'm not without direction. I'm still going after my dreams and re-evaluating some others. This time next year, I really will be a world traveler. 

And that's something to be very, very happy about. 

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