Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What's in my shopping cart for my trip to Europe? (Part Deux)

Earlier we talked about acquiring stuff for my trip next May to Norway, Denmark and Sweden. This has been difficult for me... I've lived in Texas my whole life, and out of all of the places I've been, I've mostly managed to avoid real cold.  

But even though it will be May, we'll be hiking fjords in Norway, and it's predicted that it's going to be a chilly 25 degrees Fahrenheit. That may even be a generous estimate. I just don't know. So I'm looking at a need for cold weather gear, and I'm starting from scratch. 

So far I've gotten a few layering pieces, including a really cool Nike compression jacket rated for cold that will go under another jacket and a windbreaker. While it makes me feel like a Russian spy, I'm positively terrified to eat dessert between now and then, but it was on sale. Now is a great time to buy cold weather gear at your local Academy. I got this $90 jacket for $35. Yay. 

On sale, you guys. 
Now I bought gloves, but after some strategy talk with Shannon, I've discovered they're totally inadequate. I need ski gloves.  The best kind have velcro on the wrists so you can close them tightly, otherwise they do no good and only serve the purpose of giving you Mickey Mouse hands. I am really hoping that operating my camera will not be too hard with them on, but I might wear a smaller pair underneath in case I have to extract my hands to fiddle with my settings. Cross your fingers this doesn't result in frostbite. 

Also on the list for this round:

Look! Ski gloves. 
The jacket is mostly for show. I'm still shopping around on those. The Denali is the one I like best so far... But I'm hoping Land's End, which comes highly recommended from family, will have something I think I can use. They have a line of lightweight packable stuff that looks promising. I don't wear an extra-large, so clearly I'm not too committed to this purchase yet. I'm still thinking on this one.

I also need windbreaker pants. I will wear them over maybe two pairs of fleece-lined leggings. And lots of socks. These come in extra-small, which means MINIMAL TAILORING! Yeah! I hate pants. 

And finally: ski gloves. These are cheap. Hopefully they also work. But that's why I'm ordering this stuff early anyway, right? 

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