Thursday, September 12, 2013

Monterey, California

Pebble Beach Golf Course, the site of this photo, is one of the most incredible places I've ever seen. The natural beauty of Monterey is unparalleled. The colors in this picture, for example, are as the landscape appears in person, minus a little doctoring on ME to remove a clothing malfunction.    
Probably the most beautiful place I've ever seen to date is Monterey, California. If California is not on your radar for scenes of spectacular natural beauty, then you need to recalibrate. I mean, it's enough to fly out there just to look at it.
I spent most of my time just walking around and taking pictures, no other entertainment needed. You really can't imagine how beautiful this place is until you've seen it. Hopefully, the next time I'm there, I'll be a little more used to the spectacular beaches and stunning landscape. Maybe I won't walk around with my jaw on the (clean and beautiful!) ground.  

We stayed at the Monterey Bay Lodge, which was only a few steps away from Monterey State Beach. The water was less than a block from the hotel — which, as you know, is my kind of place. It's not a very luxurious place to stay, but it's clean and nice, and beach access trumps complimentary Paul Mitchell shampoo every time.  If you want to check out the view from the hotel, I suggest Google Map's street view. Look, I found it for you and everything. 

Also just a few steps away is a lovely park, complete with its own lake and flock of geese. 

A shot of the geese in the park (who thankfully, don't chase people), taken as I was exploring the city.
The Lodge was also within walking distance of several restaurants, including an unusually nice McDonalds, which I took a picture of but avoided like the plague because of my policy about eating local. Instead, I ended up at the adjoining Marlyn's American Grill for a late breakfast. Dad, my travel buddy, was working, so alone, the world was my oyster. The Grill reminded me of something I might find in a Richard Russo novel — sleepy, slow, and with food that didn't really impress me for $8.00. I mean, it wasn't bad. I had a perfectly acceptable crepe. The chef even drew a bow on it for me in whipped cream. I think he thought I was a little girl. I look young.  

Post-breakfast, I spent several hours at the beach, where I saw seals and surfers. The seals were playful and would come close to shore, used to humans looking at them, no doubt. One followed me as I hiked along the beach. It is one of the most unbelievable experiences I have had with wildlife to date. In the proper season, you can see whales. 

My favorite part of the trip was the Seventeen Mile Drive. In addition to taking the drive, which featured landscapes so fantastic I can't adequately describe them (it sounds too canned to keep telling you it was beautiful. It was incredibly beautiful But you have to see it to understand), Dad and I, reunited, also explored the golf course, which is the site of the U.S. Open Golf Tournament. Everything was breathtaking, so I'll shut up now and just give you pictures. There's a fee for the drive, about $10.00. But you can afford it for views like these. I also recommend checking out the golf course.  

I highly recommend a visit to Pebble Beach Golf Course if you're in the area, even if you're uninterested in golf. The sheer natural beauty will make you fall in love with the area. 
This tree is apparently famous. It had its own plaque and everything. This is the best picture I was able to get of it. 
This is one of the many spectacular beach views from the Seventeen Mile Drive. Yes, the water really is that blue. But I have to warn you: it is COLD. Don't let the color fool you, it'll freeze your toes off. 

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