Monday, March 17, 2014

Experiences to Miss in San Antonio

Let's get something straight: I'm a native Texan, and I'm really proud of (well, the good parts, anyway) of my tough-as-nails heritage. 

Therefore the Alamo is sacred, right? Well, that's what I thought, too, before I visited it.

And found out it's basically just a giant gift shop. 

Uh, no thanks. I can buy trinkets anywhere. Personally, I find this treatment kind of disrespectful, and I'm disappointed that such a historic building has been made into nothing more than an excuse to sell little plastic guns to kids. 

However disappointed I am, I still find the story of the Alamo interesting, and in its honor, whenever I'm in San Antone, I always walk by the Alamo at night, when I think it's at its most beautiful. The grounds proper are closed, but it's wonderfully lit up, and you can see it from the street. 

So there's my advice for seeing the Alamo: skip the canned tour, read a book on its history, and walk by at night and admire. 

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