Friday, August 15, 2014

Foodtour 2014: Day Three, Mama's Cafe

Huevos Hoffbrau at Mama's Cafe in San Antonio
Day three saw the end of our trip. We had time for one more restaurant. We were aiming to revisit the incredible Magnolia Pancake Haus, one of my all-time favorites, but it was tres crowded.  

So we asked a local, one of Dad's friends named Joey. Joey is a San Antonio resident, and I love having friends give suggestions on the best food in their cities. He came up with the idea to visit Mama's Cafe, which he said was one of his favorite restaurants. (I learned to trust Joey's suggestions several years back when he first suggested Chris Madrid's.)  

Mama's was another home run for Joey. The ambiance was funky and cool (think crowded booths and vintage decor, complete with finicky little jukeboxes at the table). The food was outstanding. I ordered the huevos hofbrau, which the restaurant is known for, and a half-cinnamon half-regular coffee, ALSO on Joey's suggestion. Seriously, anyone who knows food like that is cool in my book.  

Verdict? Delicious. The eggs come smothered in queso and come with homemade tortillas. Yum. The coffee was great, too. I love flavored coffees. But I'm going to have to go with Joey's assessment on this one: a whole cup of cinnamon coffee, undiluted, would be a little much. I also tried the French toast, and guys, it was the Platonic Ideal of French Toast: light, sweet and perfect. 

Prices are pretty average, usually under $10 for a plate. And your tummy will leave happy, if a bit overstuffed. Light breakfast fare it is not, even if it is wonderful. 

And if you're interested in some nostalgia, you can check out my review of the Magnolia Pancake Haus here

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