Monday, August 4, 2014

Food Tour 2014: More Goofing Off on the Riverwalk

A trip to San Antonio just isn't complete without a trip to the Riverwalk. It's beautiful, it's outside, it's near water...

So after our phenomenal dinner at Dough, we set off to walk it. We arrived about an hour before sunset when the day was starting to cool off. Restaurants in the area are always super-crowded, so there will always be some tourist congestion to deal with. 

That being said, I love the scenery so much I don't mind. 

It's a great place to get some stunning photographs. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera on this trip so you'll have to content yourself with some Instagram shots. 

Shops, restaurants and other attractions line the route, in addition to stunning architecture, murals and of course, the trees and flowers. One shopping center along the Riverwalk contains the fabulous Garcia Art Glass, which you should definitely visit if you get the chance. Local art is cool. You can also find the Rivercenter Mall, but you know how I feel about visiting malls on vacations (malls are everywhere; skip the mall).

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