Thursday, November 28, 2013


Caroline and Willie traveled to Beaumont to celebrate Thanksgiving family-style. From us to you, happy holiday season, and we hope your own travels are safe.

Four generations of women in my family. From left to right: my grandmother Nonna, my little sister Bailey, Caroline and Great-Grandmother. 
Also, if you want to know what Caroline is thankful for, you can check out my latest column for the Penny-Record HERE. I'm incredibly grateful for the chance to be an adventurer. But other women around the world may not be so lucky. In some regions, being a woman comes with certain expectations, like early marriage and motherhood or body modification. Human rights abuses of young girls is still happening. Human trafficking, FGM, and child marriage continue to be realities. 

Some articles for perspective:

When I think about this, I realize: I am so lucky — in so many ways — that it's impossible to list off all of my good fortune. 

I hope the same for you. 

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