Wednesday, August 20, 2014

One Whole Year of Caroline the Adventurer

It's been one whole year of blogging! And sometimes, I still type "Adventuere" instead of "Adventurer," but altogether, it's been a positive experience. 

To look back, I'm sharing some of my favorite posts so far. Thanks for sticking with me. It's a good life. 

Favorite posts:

Check out my favorite travel tips!

Find out if it's okay to take your kids on your Vegas vacation.

Read about the most fun I've ever had sitting still for a few hours in my Avenue Q review.

Some of the best travel songs? I've got you covered. 

Explore a UNESCO World Heritage Site through photos  – the Uxmal Mayan ruins!

Watch me royally embarrass myself in the Big Apple thanks to my photographer friend Matt. 

And learn about adopting a former bomb dog in my series about finding Willie: here, here and here

Here's to many more.

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